

投稿者 :Justin Brunnette

カテゴリ: IT News




光の速度で行われる計算やコンピューティングはすごく魅力的ですが、実用化するには幾つかの壁を乗り越えることが必要でした。 光子は電子にくらべると、はるかに長い波長なので、光子電子波長変換は非常に困難なのです。 このせいで電気チップはナノスケールまで製造できますが、光学チップは比較的大きくなってしまいます。
そのため、光をナノスケールまで縮小するための解決策を見つける必要がありました。研究の解決策は「Plasmonic nanogap」(プラズモン的ナノスケールギャップ)というもので、電気的変調と光学的変調を両方提供できる一種の相変化材料と、「plasmonics」(プラズモン)と呼ばれる物質と組み合わせました。
上記のコンビネーションで「surface plasmon polariton」(表面プラズモンポラリトン)という現象で光を圧縮する事が出来ます。圧縮しますと、エネルギー密度がかなり上がりまし、エネルギー密度があがりますと光子シグナルと電子シグナルの隙間を追い越すをでき、完全な混合モードの操作が可能となります。このシステムは、安定性と不揮発性の両方を備えていることも実証されまして、経済的に実用的な使用が可能になります。
この開発は高効率のメモリが必要なコンピューティングの技術革新に大きなポテンシャルがあります。たとえばインメモリコンピューティングやマルチレベルデータストレージに利用ができます。 人工知能の研究においても、現在のコンピューティングインフラストラクチャが提供できるよりも高いパフォーマンスが必要になっておりますので、この研究結果のおかげで後押しされることになると思います。 メディアではムーアの法則の終わり始めていると大騒ぎになっておりますが、この研究のおかげで法則は生き続ける事となるでしょう。

Device Bridges Optical and Electrical Computing, Making Optical Computing Feasible

In a world’s first, university researchers have created a nanoscopic device that bridges the gap between optical and electrical computing, making optical computing feasible. Developed by researchers at the University of Oxford’s Harish Bhaskaran’s Advanced Nanoscale Engineering group, their device can be used to program with electrons and photons by providing a solution to transition between the two. This has proven to overcome bandwidth limitations, provide energy efficient memory and merge computing and communication technologies.
The potential for computing at the speed of light has been attractive but it has had major obstacles to prevent it from being practical. photons tend to be much larger wavelengths than electrons making their conversion very difficult. Because of this, electrical chips can be made down to the nanoscale while optical chips need to be relatively large.
The researchers need to find a solution to scale down light to the nanoscopic scale. Their solution is something called the “Plasmonic nanogap”. They took a type of phase change material that can provide both electrical and optical modulation, and combined it with something called “plasmonics”.
Plasmonics are particles, usually a metallic material, with a specific size and shape that allow it to interact with light waves in a useful way. This combination gives the device both high electrical conductivity and high plasmonic resonance at certain light wavelengths.
This allowed the researchers to compress light into a nano-size volume in a process called “surface plasmon polariton”. This compression increased the energy density of the system. This increased energy density is what was needed to overcome the gap between optical and electrical signals  and creating a full mixed-mode operation.
This means that their device can program in both light or electrical signals. Their system has also been proven to be both stable and nonvolatile, which allows for practical uses feasible.
This can have massive potential in innovations in computing where high efficient memory is needed such as in-memory computing and multilevel data storage. Artificial intelligence research will also gain a huge boost in this as there are situations that call for higher performance that our current computing infrastructure can provide. There has been a lot of noise in the media about the end of Moore's law but this may be the next generation innovation to keep the law alive.